出生年:1964 出生地:宜蘭 |
簡介: 主要個展 2014 溯境(2014臺北藝術博覽會A R T SO LO /臺北) 2014 溯境(博藝畫廊/臺北) 2012 複寫與載體 (三才畫廊/臺中) 2011 等待果陀 (小室畫廊/臺北) 2010 形•境•書•寫 (M O T A rts畫廊/臺北) 2008 飄•移•流•影 (太平洋文化基金會/臺北) 2006 波光幻影 (雲林科技大學藝術中心/雲林) 2004 延異 (宜蘭縣文化局/宜蘭) 2002 零界潛航 (太平洋文化基金會/臺北) 主要聯展 2014 台中藝術博覽會2014(南畫廊/臺中) 2014 匯聚. 兩岸當代藝術展 (桃園文化局/羅東文化工廠) 2013 匯聚. 兩岸當代藝術展 (徐匯藝術館/中國上海) 2013 台中藝術博覽會2013 T-Art (高士畫廊/臺中) 2013 高士迎春展 (高士畫廊/臺北) 2013 天地×無限 (博藝畫廊/臺北) 2012 台中藝術博覽會 2012 T-Art(三才畫廊/臺中) 2012 第十一屆藝術家博覽會 (視盟/臺中,臺北) 2010 浮市若夢-2010愚自樂園國際藝術創作營聯展 (月湖美術館/上海) 2009 中韓美術交流展 (臺灣藝術教育館/臺北) 2008 碩果與新芽-奇美藝術獎20年成果展 (臺灣藝術大學/臺北) 碩果與新芽-奇美藝術獎20年成果展 (新光三越/臺南) 2006 宜蘭無尾港:開門之前邀請展 (宜蘭) 台灣藝術博覽會 (華山藝文特區/臺北) 2004 第三屆澎湖國際地景藝術節 (澎湖) 2003 宜蘭國際童玩藝術節椅子創作展 (宜蘭) 2002 第二屆澎湖國際地景藝術節 (澎湖) 2001 梵藝術中心繪畫聯展 (梵藝術中心/臺南) 奇美藝術培訓展 (臺北市立美術館/臺北) 1999 新台灣繪畫展聯展 (梵藝術中心/臺南) 1997 The Sim ilarity and Thedifference (A rt H ouse/倫敦,英國) The 4th W orld A rt N etw ork”裝置展 (V auxhall St. Peter教堂/倫敦,英國) 1995 台灣當代藝術展 (紐約中華文化中心/美國) 台灣當代藝術展-紐約特展 (高雄市立美術館/高雄) Lin W an-shih 1964 B orn in Y ilan, Taiw an 1987 R eceived B A degree of Fine A rts from C hinese C ulture U niversity, Taiw an 1997 R eceived M A degree of V isual A rts from G oldsm iths C ollege, U niversity of London, U K N ow , w orks and lives in Y ilan, Taiw an Selected Solo Exhibitions 2012 Lin W an-Shih Solo Exhibition (3 Talents A rt G allery/Taichung) 2011 W aiting for G odot (La C ham bre A rt G allery/Taipei) 2010 N ihilography : Form Tim es, Space and M em ory (M O A A rts G allery/Taipei) 2008 Floating/M oving/Flow ing/Shadow ing (A rt C enter of the Pacific C ultural Foundation/Taipei) 2006 Shim m ering Phantom (A rt C enter of N ational Y ulin U niversity of Science and Technology/Y ulin) 2004 The D ifference from Tim e (Y ilan C ounty C ultural A ffairs B ureau/Y ilan) 2002 D iving from N ihilography (A rt C enter of the Pacific C ultural Foundation/Taipei) Selected Group Exhibitions 2013 Lofty Spring (Loftyart G allery/Taipei) 2013 U niverse × Infinity (B o A rt G allery/Taipei) 2012 The 11th A TTIST Fair (A V A T/Taichung, Taipei) 2010 C ityscape as M irage: 2010 Y uzi Paradise A rt Sym posium Exhibition (Y ue H u M useum of A rt/ Shanghai) 2009 Exchange Exhibition of Fine arts of Sino-K orean ( N ational Taiw an A rts Education C enter/ Taipei) 2008 Seasoned by G enerations (N ational Taiw an U niversity of A rts/Taipei) Seasoned by G enerations (Shin K ong M itsukoshi/Tainan) 2006 The Exhibition for the O pening from the Form osa H ighw ay (Y ilan) Taiw an A rt Fair (H uashan C reative Park/Taipei) 2004 The 3rd Penghu International Land A rt Festival (Penghu) 2003 Y ilan International Folks Festival (Y ilan) 2002 The 2rd Penghu International Land A rt Festival (Penghu) 2001 The Three (Fan A rt G allery/Tainan) Exhibition of C him ei A rts Training Prize (Taipei Fine arts M useum /Taipei) 1999 N ew Painting (Fan A rt G allery/Tainan) 1997 The Sim ilarity and the D ifference (A rt H ouse/London, U K ) The 4th W orld A rt N etw ork (St. Peter C hurch/London, U K ) 1995 The Exhibition of C ontem porary A rt in Taiw an (The C hinese C ultural C enter/N ew Y ork, U SA ) The Exhibition of C ontem porary A rt in Taiw an (K aohsiung Fine A rts M useum /K aohsiung) |
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